About the Research and Advocacy Fund

The ARA research and advocacy fund aims to support projects within the archives and records sector which:

  • Improve and widen education, training and continued professional development

  • Develop and spread guidance on standards for archive-related working

  • Investigate and develop improved methods for administering, preserving and making archives accessible

  • Gather and disseminate information on archives and archive-related operations

  • Advocates to stakeholders, policy makers and the public the importance of the preservation and provision of appropriate access to records and archives

Applicants to the research and advocacy fund should be supported and presented by organisations i.e. public/charititable/other, Association Sections, Groups or Regions. Unfortunately we are not able to consider applications from individuals, trading companies and solely commercial organisations.


Why make use of it?

A successful application may be able to receive full funding for projects requiring £3000 or less and up to 75% of funding for larger projects.

However, it's not just about financial support. The ARA will also look to promote the findings or activities of the research or advocacy, and publish its final report.


How to use it and apply

All applications for research or advocacy funding must include:

  • A project summary including the amount of grant required from the Association

  • A detailed description of the project and its context

  • An outline of the benefits of the project

  • An operational plan

  • A budget plan, including other sources of income where appropriate

Please email your applications to the Fund Secretary at research@archives.org.uk