Back by popular demand! Our central training course on Project Management (and more)

Back by popular demand!

Our Central Training course: 

Introduction to Project Management is back by popular demand. It booked up pretty quickly the last time we advertised this course so if you were one of the people asking for it to be re-run then book now to avoid disappointment!

Following the same format as the previous course, training will be delivered over two consecutive days:

Tues 12th September 2023 9.30am to 12.30pm
Weds 13 September 2023 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Our trainer is, as before, Elizabeth Oxborrow-Cowan. Project management is about getting things done within a specific timeframe through the use of tools, knowledge, processes, and competencies.

Find our more and book for this course here.

We also have a new course for you:

Budgeting for beginners

Trainer: Elizabeth Oxborrow-Cowan FARA

Training will be delivered over two consecutive days:

Tues 17th October 2023 9.30am to 12.30pm
Weds 18th October 2023 9.30am to 12.30pm. 

This course is targeted at anyone who is new to budgeting. It is suitable for all levels of staff, volunteers and those working in community organisations. Whilst designed for those in the cultural sector it will be relevant for those working in any environment as it covers key ideas and processes used in financial reporting. 

Find out more and book for this course here.


Accessibility and Archives: Being recruited while disabled - Part One


Accessibility and Archives: DigiCreative Heritage