The Ellis Prize
The Ellis Prize is made possible by an endowment to the (then) Society of Archivists in 1972 by Roger Ellis, in memory of his parents Harry and Sybil Ellis.
The Ellis Prize is given to recognise excellent work in the sector and ‘significant contribution to archive theory and practice’, it is in the gift of the Board of the Archives and Records Association who decide, when, if and to whom to make the award.
In Ellis’ letter to Peter Walne, Hon Secretary of the Society of Archivists, regarding the setting up of the prize he described its primary purpose as:
“… to reward excellent work in our profession, and to recognise significant contributions to archive theory and practice. I put this first, as the principle aim, but do not wish to tie the Society’s hands as to its implementation. The “President’s Prize” was a useful ballon d’essai; Felicity and I both feel that if a prize is to be offered at regular intervals, every third year would be quite enough. But I should be happy to allow the Society (no doubt through Officers and a special committee) to make awards at longer intervals or at discretion. THE IMPORTANT THING IS THAT IT SHOULD BE IN THE SOCIETY’S POWER TO REWARD EXCELLENCE AND RECOGNISE DISTINCTION. As I see it the Society’s award would not be lightly bestowed, would offer considerable prestige, and would not be limited to our own countrymen.”
In the last 50 years there have been nine winners of the prize, rather less than the three year interval suggested in the letter but confirming the prestige the prize is held in and the discernment of the board when choosing who might receive it.
It was last awarded eight years ago in 2014.
Previous winners of the Ellis Prize include:
Dr Susan J Davies, prize awarded in 2014
Vic Gray, prize awarded in 2002
Michael Cook, prize awarded in 1992
Rosemary Dunhill, prize awarded in 1996
Dr Felix Hull, prize awarded 1989
Dr D B Robinson,
Peter Walne, prize awarded 1988
Dorothea Oschinskey prize awarded 1978
Dr A E J Hollaender